Collegiate Affiliation

Associate Professor: Musicology

Kelley Harness' recent scholarly work concentrates on the interrelationships between music, theatrical imagery, and politics in 16th- and 17th-century Italy. Her work relies on musical analysis to reveal a composition's allegorical messages and combines archival research and interpretive models from literary criticism, art history, and anthropology; her teaching reflects this interdisciplinary approach. Harness wants her students to master various tools in order to penetrate the expressive and intellectual layers of specific musical works. She is the author of Echoes of Women's Voices: Music, Art, and Female Patronage in Early Modern Florence (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006), as well as numerous articles in journals and collections of essays. Her current research focuses on references to musical performance in 16th- and 17th-century Italian plays.

In 1994, she won the American Musicological Society's Paul A. Pisk Prize, and in 1991, she received a Fulbright Dissertation Grant for research in Italy. She is the recipient of publication subvention awards from the American Musicological Society and the Newberry Library.