Collegiate Affiliation

My research focuses on the relationship between democracy and development in the Third World in general and Africa in particular. At the moment, I am looking at the the link between democratic leadership, public institutions, and development in East and South Africa. Other themes in my research include Islam, social capital and ethnicity in the Horn of Africa, and environment and development. Finally, a general thread in my research is how national public institutions enable people in develping countries tap opportunity in the global capitalist economy and avoid its cruel traps.

Educational Background & Specialties
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Educational Background

  • Ph.D.: , University of California, 1985 - none
  • A.B.: , University of Wisconsin, 1979 - none
  • MCRP: Urban/Regional Planning, Iowa State University, 1981


  • East and Southern Africa
  • Agrarian change
  • Botswana
  • Capitalist development
  • Development theory and the state
  • Environment and development
  • Ethiopia
  • Ethnic politics
  • Islamic world
  • political economy
  • Somalia
  • Third World