Research Opportunities

The Department of Chicano & Latino Studies creates many opportunities for both quantitative and qualitative study through regular coursework and one-on-one collaborations with faculty in directed studies courses. We also provide research opportunities through collaborations with our various community partners in Chicano-Latino serving organizations. The University has funding opportunities available for students who propose projects through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), which encourages students to work closely with faculty members on collaboratively-designed research projects.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)

We highly encourage undergraduate students to apply for the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). This program, sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research, supports research projects dedicated to fulfilling the U of M’s commitment to research and expanding the store of human knowledge and expression. Students who successfully apply will receive a $1,400 stipend to support their research and will also have an opportunity to present their research at various university symposia.

Students who earn a UROP will be mentored by one of nearly 3,000 diverse faculty members and will meet other students who share a passion for discovery about the human condition. The UROP will help you delve deeply into a personal topic of interest and importance under the direct supervision of a faculty member in the department.

If you are interested in pursuing a program with UROP, please contact our department offices or visit the Office of Undergraduate Research for more information.