CLA Day of Service

A group photo of participants (16 people) in CLA's Day of Service
Thank you to all of our College of Liberal Arts Day of Service volunteers!
Photo of brush that needed to be cut
Here was the site at Windom School that needed some landscaping work.
People cutting down the brush
The crew began by cutting down the brush.
People making progress on cutting down brush
Photo showing all the brush removed from the site
The site is all cleared out and ready for mulch.
People laying down mulch
Spreading out the bags of mulch
Photo of the site with the freshly laid mulch
A job well done!

A group of CLA alumni, staff, and students met on a beautiful Saturday in September for a landscaping project at Windom School in south Minneapolis. The crew cut down brush near the front of the building and added mulch . Thank you to everyone who participated!