Technology Recommendations for Remote Learning

In general, this is the core technology you will need to be successful while learning online in CLA. Some majors may have their own requirements, so if you’re not sure, check with your department.

  • A Mac or Windows computer made in the last five years, or a Chromebook made in the last two years. We recommend using the Chrome browser for accessing Canvas and other course content.
  • An internet connection with a speed of at least 3 megabits per second to successfully participate in courses that involve live video. For other courses, a slower connection should work, but you might need to wait longer while files load. If you don’t have access to an internet connection at home, you may be able to use public hotspots at libraries, or many University of Minnesota buildings around the state. Some Internet Service Providers are offering free or discounted services for people who qualify, so consult our internet access resource page. No matter where you are in the world, your University of Minnesota account gets you access to Eduroam wireless networks as well.
  • A webcam and a headset microphone (or speakers and a microphone) are recommended so you can participate in live conversations and online office hours.
  • If you are outside the United States: You may need to use a VPN to access some resources. Most course resources should be accessible anywhere in the world, but some courses may link to sites like YouTube which are restricted in some countries.

If you cannot obtain the technology you need to be successful, contact your academic advisor. They can help you find resources that may be able to assist.