Spring 2025 Art History Courses

Poster for ArtH 3921W with art deco imagery
Poster for ArtH 8950 with a map of north and south america
Poster for ArtH 1001 showing a gallery of European paintings
Poster for ArtH 1002W showing a little girl with her hand on her hip
Poster for ArtH 3021 with a man hanging over the edge of a bed
Poster for ArtH 3309 showing a painted dome
Poster for ArtH 3464 showing disco balls
Poster for ArtH 3928/5928W showing Humphrey Bogart and a man walking in the shadows
Poster for ArtH 5413 showing tv screens and other media
Poster for ArtH 8720 showing a black and white image titled Artificial Wonderland
Poster for ArtH 8440 showing a gallery floor with small objects arranged in a line
Poster for ArtH 8950 showing a machine made with found objects
Poster for Contemporary Art showing a chair in a gallery and a photo of a woman working on a piece of machinery.
Poster for Beyond the Lens showing a photo of twin girls and two men.

ARTH 1001 - Introduction to Western Art with Dr. Michael Gaudio 
Lecture: Tuesday/Thursday (11:15 AM-12:30 PM), plus discussion section

ARTH 1002W - Why Art Matters with Dr. Jane Blocker
Lecture: Monday/Wednesday (9:45-11:00 AM), plus discussion section

ARTH 3021 - Art and Revolution, 1789-1889 with Dr. Laura Kalba
Lecture: Monday/Wednesday (9:45-11:00 AM)

ARTH 3309 - Renaissance Art with Dr. Michael Gaudio
Lecture: Monday/Wednesday/Friday (10:10-11:00 AM)

ARTH 3464 - Art Since 1945 with Dr. Emily Capper
Lecture: Monday/Tuesday (11:15 AM-12:30 PM)

ARTH 3921W - Art of the Film with Dr. Robert Silberman
Lecture: Tuesday/Thursday (12:20-2:15 PM), plus discussion section

ARTH 3928W/5928W - Film Noir with Dr. Robert Silberman
Lecture: Monday/Wednesday (12:20-2:15 PM)

ARTH 3940 - Beyond the Lens: Perspectives on Global Photography with Dr. Katrin Nahidi
Lecture: Tuesday/Thursday (9:45 -11:00 AM)

ARTH 5413 - Alternative Media with Dr. Emily Capper
Lecture: Monday/Wednesday (2:30 PM-3:45 PM)

ARTH 5466 - Contemporary Art with Dr. Katrin Nahidi
Lecture: Tuesday/Thursday (2:30 PM-3:45 PM)

ARTH 8440 - Seminar: Contemporary Art: Recent Histories of Modern and Contemporary Art with Dr. Emily Caper
Lecture: Friday (2:30-5:00 PM)

ARTH 8720 - Seminar: East Asian Art: Forgeries, Fakes, and Copies with Dr. Daniel Greenberg
Lecture: Friday (12:00-2:30 PM) 

ARTH 8950 - Seminar: Issues in Art History:  Art & Industry from Crystal Palace to Kinetic Arts with Dr. Laura Kalba
Lecture: Monday (2:30-5:00 PM)

ARTH 8950 - Seminar: Issues in Art History: Decolonizing Art, Archives, and Scholarship with Dr. Karen Mary Davalos
Lecture: Tuesday (6:00-8:30 PM)

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