Staff and Faculty



Name Contact
Kale B. Fajardo
Director, Asian American Studies Program;
Associate Professor of American Studies

208 Scott Hall
[email protected]




Name Contact
Maiv Muas Xiong
Outreach and Program Coordinator
782 Social Sciences Building
[email protected]

Core Faculty

Name Contact Specialties
Ananya Chatterjea
অনন্যা চট্টোপাধ্যায়
Department of Dance
[email protected] Social Justice Choreography, Contemporary Dance of Asia and Africa, Aesthetics, Movement, Women's Studies, Choreography and Performance, Performance in Global Contexts, Politics of Cultural Production, Theorizing Dancing Bodies, Choreography and Social Justice, Contemporary Dance of Asia and Africa
Elliott Powell
Associate Professor
Department of American Studies

104 Scott Hall
[email protected]


American popular music and culture, critical race theory and comparative ethnic studies, feminist and queer studies, African American and Asian American studies, music and politics, music and globalization, jazz, hip hop, sound studies
Josephine Lee
Department of English, Department of American Studies
 310D Lind Hall
612-625-9510 [email protected]
Dramatic literature, theater history, performance studies Asian American studies
Laura Garbes
Department of Sociology
925 Social Sciences Building
[email protected]
Racism, Organizational Theory, Media, Economic Sociology, Cultural Studies
Kale B. Fajardo
Associate Professor
Department of American Studies

104 Scott Hall
[email protected]


Philippine studies, Filipino/a American studies, Asian/Asian American studies, American studies, masculinity studies, gender studies, feminist studies, queer studies, migration/immigration/transnationalism/ diasporas/globalization, maritime studies, Pacific World, port cities
Karen Ho
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology

395 Hubert H. Humphrey Center
[email protected]


Cultural studies of finance capital; finance, globalization, and capitalism; ethnography; feminist studies; political economy; United States; comparative race and ethnicity
Pao Houa Her
Assistant Professor
Department of American Studies
W170 Regis Center for Art West

[email protected]

Kari Smalkoski  Assistant Professor Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies

414 Ford Hall  [email protected]


Masculinity, gender and identity, education and political economy, LGBTQ youth as well as youth sports and social capital
Mai Na Lee
Associate Professor
Department of History
937 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Southeast Asia, highland Southeast Asian studies, Southeast Asian American/Hmong communities
Melanie Abeygunawardana
Assistant Professor
Department of American Studies



Contemporary Asian American and African American literature, critical race theory, and affect studies


Richard Lee
Department of Psychology
N563 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Counseling psychology, prevention science, ethnic minority mental health, international adoption, individual differences, Asian American studies
Teresa Toguchi Swartz
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
933 Social Sciences Building
[email protected]
Families; intergenerational relations; social inequality; Asian American studies; gender; welfare state; children, youth, and young adulthood
Yuichiro Onishi
Associate Professor
Department of African American & African Studies
808 Social Sciences
[email protected]
Black radicalism and internationalism, African American history, transnational American studies, critical race studies, Asian American studies

Affiliate Faculty

Name Contact Specialties
Vichet Chhuon
Associate Professor of Culture and Teaching
College of Education & Human Development
359 Peik Hall
[email protected]
Motivation, urban education, racial and ethnic identities, adolescent development, school connectedness, immigrant youth, Asian American studies
Bic Ngo
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
College of Education and Human Development
350A Peik Hall
[email protected]
Culturally relevant pedagogy, urban and multicultural education, immigrant education
Moin Syed
Department of Psychology
N567 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Identity development among culturally and ethnically diverse youth, intersections among multiple identities, educational and career pathways, narrative psychology
Ruby Nguyen
Associate Professor
Epidemiology & Community Health, School of Public Health

Div. Epidemiology & Community Health
Suite 300

[email protected]

Pubic health; health; immigrant health; family violence; environmental (chemical exposure) health
Michelle Pasco
Assistant Professor
Family Social Science

[email protected]


Neighborhoods, ethnic-racial concentration, adolescent development, family processes ethnic-racial identity, political identity, discrimination, socialization, mixed methods
Alvin Zhou
Assistant Professor
Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication
325 Murphy Hall
[email protected]
Computational social science, social movement, big data, political communication, strategic communication.
Ka I Ip
Assistant Professor
Institute of Child Development
[email protected] Children of immigrant, cultural contexts, social and neigborhood inequalities, stress, social determinants of health and emotion regulation, children and adolescent mental health, brain and HPA axis development 
Aamina Ahmad
Assistant Professor
[email protected] Creative Writing, Fiction, Drama and Writing for the Screen
Kay A. Simon
Assistant Professor
Family Social Science
[email protected] LGBTQ+ families and future parenthood, LGBTQ+ youth, Identity and identity development
Xiaoran Sun
Assistant Professor
Family Social Science
[email protected] Family systems and adolescent development; Digital technology and family; Computational social science
V. V. Ganeshananthan
Associate Professor
[email protected] Creative writing, fiction, non-fiction, journalism, contemporary novels, South Asian diaspora literature, South Asian Anglophone literature, Sri Lanka, Tamil


Name Contact Specialties
Rupa Thadhani Adjunct Professor
Asian American Studies Program
[email protected]