Creating Events

Creating Events in Drupal

Note: Events created in Drupal will not be fed to the University Events Calendar (UEC); co-sponsors or affiliates are limited to CLA units.

To create an event in Drupal:

  1. On the toolbar, click "My Workbench" under "Menu."  
    Workbench navigation example.
  2. Click the "Create Content" tab in the right-hand menu. 
  3. Click "Event" from the list.
  4. Complete the following required fields: headline, teaser, event date, event type, and  body text. Each field has a description listed below it.
  5. Optional: Complete the following fields: subheadline, location, feature image.
  6. Add the host audience. In the "Primary Unit" region there are two options (use only one) for including the primary unit:


    Example of the primary unit appearing.
    • If you are currently a unit editor, select that unit from the list of radio buttons. 
    • OR use the autocomplete field under "Other Groups" by entering the host’s unit name, e.g., art, english, sociology. Click the suggested group that appears 
  7. Optional: Add co-sponsors or affiliates. Use the autocomplete field under "Related Units" to include this event in those units' event feeds. Use the "Add Another Item" button to add multiple related units.
    Example of related units section.
  8. Check "Published" under "Publishing Options." (If you want the draft to remain unpublished for now, make sure the "Published" box is unchecked.)
  9. Click Save.