America’s First Vaccine Sceptics

University of British Columbia Professor Bryce Traister gives the Joseph Warren Beach Lecture
Head and chest of person with short grey hair and light skin, wearing glasses and a suit and speaking at lectern
Event Date & Time
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Event Location
Pillsbury 412

310 Pillsbury Dr. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

The Department of English and the Joseph Warren Beach Lectures present Bryce Traister, Dean of the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus. The event is free and open to the public. No reservations or tickets necessary for in-person talk; register for Zoom attendance. For questions about accessibility services and the venue, please email [email protected] or call 612-626-1528.

Bryce Traister has been publishing scholarship in colonial/early American studies for the last 20 years, including a 2017 monograph entitled Female Piety and the Invention of American Puritanism (Ohio); the 2019 edited collection of essays American Literature and the New Puritan Studies (Cambridge UP); and a volume of teaching essays, The Cambridge Companion to Early American Studies (Cambridge, 2022). Having settled in Canada in the mid-90s, he has pursued a second line of inquiry into theories and practices of American literary and cultural study viewed from an extra-US perspective. For the last eight years, he has served as the Dean of the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies at the Okanagan campus of the University of British Columbia, which is about the same length of time he has spent thinking about the lecture he is looking forward to sharing with colleagues at the University of Minnesota: “America’s First Vaccine Sceptics.”

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