Aron M. Blankenberg Memorial Scholarship Awarded

Ally Glasford awarded scholarship!
Bird's eye view of city at dusk

The University of Minnesota Department of French and Italian is happy to announce that Ally Glasford has been chosen to receive the Aron M. Blankenburg Memorial Scholarship. This is awarded to support work toward the Bachelor’s degree for undergraduates in Italian studies. The award offers $2500 for use by the student in furthering their understanding of Italy and the Italian language.

Ally is an Italian and Global Studies double major and studied at the University of Bologna through the Bologna Consortial Studies Program. Ally was “so eager to study at a place filled with such rich history and where so many great and inspiring minds have come before.”  She took courses taught exclusively in Italian. Her other hopes for the year abroad centered on wanting to become a full member of the community, experiencing all that the country, and especially the people, have to offer.

When we began learning about the culture and lifestyle during my very first Italian class, I knew I had to experience Italy for myself.

Studying for a year abroad is a wonderful experience, but can be taxing. Acknowledging this, Ally said, “I know this will be an emotionally and especially academically challenging year, but when we began learning about the culture and lifestyle during my very first Italian class, I knew I had to experience Italy for myself.” Coming back from Italy, I'm positve Ally will bring a wealth of experience and knowledge back to share with faculty and staff in the department.

With the Aron M. Blankenburg Memorial Scholarship, Ally will continue diving into her studies of Italian here at the U of MN.


CORRECTION: Earlier posts of this article mistakenly listed Ally as studying abroad this coming year instead of returning.


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