Chloe Mais Hagen (she/they), PhD (Graduated)
Joined the program in Fall 2014 as an MA student, then started her PhD in Fall 2016. Graduated in Fall 2024.
Chloe's dissertation, “Gender Inclusive Language in French: Linguistic, Literary, and Pedagogical Explorations," and current research explores linguistic, literary, and pedagogical iterations, applications, and implications of gender inclusive language in French to show that these language forms are fundamental for creating and maintaining linguistic spaces where marginalized gender identities can exist, be recognized and affirmed, and gain increasing linguistic and social inclusion.
Chloe is currently Lecturer of French in the Department of French and Italian at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.
Mais Hagen, Chloe. “Exploring avenues of implementation for genderjustice in French language teaching.” Modern Language Journal, vol 107 no. 2, 2023. doi: 10.1111/modl.12872
Mais Hagen, Chloe. Review of Devenir non-binaire en français contemporain, ed. by Vinay Swamy and Louisa Mackenzie. Forthcoming in The French Review.
Mais Hagen, Chloe. Review of Je parle comme je suis: ce que nos mots disent de nous, by Julie Neveux. The French Review, vol. 96 no. 1, Oct. 2022, p. 264-264. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/tfr.2022.0188.
Mais Hagen, Chloe. Review of Le Dérangeur: petit lexique en voie de décolonisation, by Collectif Piment. The French Review, vol. 95 no. 3, March 2022, p. 290-291. Project MUSE, doi: 10.1353/tfr.2022.0010.
Mais Hagen, Chloe. Review of Mobilité: histoire et émergence d'un concept en sociolinguistique, by Katja Ploog, Anne-Sophie Calinon and Nathalie Thamin. The French Review, vol. 95 no. 2, Dec. 2021, p. 284-284. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/tfr.2021.0337.
Mais Hagen, Chloe. Review of Le français est à nous! Petit manuel d'émancipation linguistique, by Maria Candéa and Laélia Véron. The French Review, vol. 94 no. 4, May 2021, p. 252-253. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/tfr.2021.0141.
“Pedagogies of Literacy in World Language Learning.” Invited guest speaker lecture for students and teachers of English at The Learning Hub College, Gujranwala, Pakistan. 8 March 2023.
“Gender Inclusive Language in Context: Atelier de l'Antémonde's Bâtir aussi.” French Faculty Research Panel at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota. 21 April 2022. “The Song in French and Arabic as a Means of Overcoming Cultural, Socioeconomic, and Linguistic Difference in Contemporary France.” Virtual presentation at the KFLC Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference, University of Kentucky. 22 April 2021.
“A Multiliteracies Approach to Teaching French: Bandes Dessinées for Intermediate Language Learners” Short virtual presentation at the Center for Advanced Research in Language Acquisition’s Teaching Roundtable. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. 15 October 2020.
“Incorporating Gender Inclusive Language into the French Language Classroom.” 1-hour workshop at Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Minneapolis, Minnesota. 13 March 2020.
“Pédagogie d’inclusivité : le langage inclusif dans l’enseignement du français langue étrangère.” (“Inclusive Pedagogy: Inclusive Language in the Teaching of French as a Foreign Language.”) Presentation at the Les nouvelles formes d'écriture : écriture inclusive, le langage épicène, neutre, non sexiste Conference. Gafsa, Tunisia. 5 March 2020.
“Gender Inclusive Language in the French Language Classroom.” Invitational 90-minute workshop for College in the Schools high school French teachers held at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. 12 August 2019.
“Teaching Gender Inclusive Writing in the French Language Classroom.” Presentation at The National Writing Project Midwest Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. 2 August 2019.
“"Sobri" et "Sobri 2" par Leslie et Amine : Chansons comme lieu d'échange linguistique transméditerranéen.” (“‘Sobri’ and ‘Sobri 2’ by Leslie and Amine: The Song as a Space for Transmediterranean Exchange.”) Presentation at Conseil International d’Études Francophones Conference. La Rochelle, France. 5 June 2018.
Renaud Fellowship in French and Italian, from the University of Minnesota 2023
Summer Research Fellowship in French from the Department of French and Italian, University of Minnesota -Twin Cities, 2022
CARLA Summer Institute Tuition Grant, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities 2022, Full tuition remission for registration in the Center for Advanced Research in Language Acquisition summer institute course “Teaching Language through the Lens of Social Justice”
St. Olaf College Professional Development Grant in the Humanities 2021 to attend the Implicit Bias, Anti-racist Pedagogy and Curriculum Design in the Humanities Workshop at St. Olaf College
CARLA Summer Institute Tuition Grant, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities 2020, Full tuition remission for registration in the Center for Advanced Research in Language Acquisition summer institute course “Foreign Language Literacies”
Peterson Graduate Summer Fellowship from the Department of French and Italian, University of Minnesota -Twin Cities, 2020
Community of Scholars Program at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities Travel Grant 2020 (This grant for graduate students of color provided funding to attend and present at the conference “Les nouvelles formes d'écriture : écriture inclusive, le langage épicène, neutre, non sexiste” in Gafsa, Tunisia in March 2020)
Certificate for Outstanding Teaching and Dedication to Helping Students Learn 2019 Thank a Teacher Program, Center for Educational Innovation, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship to study Arabic in Morocco 2019 (This summer fellowship, offered by the U.S. Department of Education, provides funding to pursue studies in a critical language)
CARLA Summer Institute Tuition Grant, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities 2017, Full tuition remission for registration in the Center for Advanced Research in Language Acquisition summer institute course “Culture as Core”
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship to study Arabic at the University of Minnesota 2014-2015 (This year-long fellowship, offered by the U.S. Department of Education, provides funding to pursue studies in a critical language.)
Lecturer of French in the Department of French and Italian at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (Since Spring 2025)
Graduate instructor in the French and Italian Department at the University of Minnesota (Fall 2014 - Fall 2024)
Visiting Instructor of French, St. Olaf College - 2020-2022
French teacher, Breck School - 2023-2024
Montpellier Exchange program:
From University of Minnesota to Université Paul Valéry, 2017-2018