Culture and Control in Counter-Reformation Spain

Ed. Anne J. Cruz and Mary Elizabeth Perry
Explores the modes of repression and attempts at social control in Counter-Reformation Spain. Topics of discussion include theater, sermons, religious festivals, catechism, and inquisistorial blood statues.

Culture and Control in Counter-Reformation Spain
Anne J. Cruz and Mary Elizabeth Perry

  1. “Christianization” in New Castile: Catechism, Communion, Mass, and Confirmation in the Toledo Archbishopric, 1540–1650
    Jean Pierre Dedieu
  2. A Saint for All Seasons: The Cult of San Julián
    Sara T. Nalle
  3. Religious Oratory in a Culture of Control
    Gwendolyn Barnes-Karol
  4. The Moriscos and Circumcision
    Bernard Vincent
  5. Aldermen and Judaizers: Cryptojudaism, Counter-Reformation, and Local Power
    Jaime Contreras
  6. Magdalens and Jezebels in Counter-Reformation Spain
    Mary Elizabeth Perry
  7. La bella malmaridada: Lessons for the Good Wife
    Anne J. Cruz
  8. Saint Teresa, Demonologist
    Alison Weber
  9. Woman as Source of “Evil” in Counter-Reformation Spain
    María Helena Sánchez Ortega
  10. On the Concept of the Spanish Literary Baroque
    John R. Beverley

The Subject of Control
Anthony J. Cascardi