Ortega y Gasset and the Question of Modernity

Ed. Patrick H. Dust
Examines the work of Ortega y Gasset with respect to Modern and Post-modern culture, with particular emphasis on Technology and Reason.

On Reading Ortega for Our Time
Patrick H. Dust

  1. Ortega and Modernity
    Ciriaco Morón Arroyo
  2. Ortega’s Anti-Modernity in Epistemology and Metaphysics
    Antón Donoso
  3. Towards a Theory of the Body: Ortega and His Sources
    Nelson Orringer
  4. Ortega, Human Consciousness and Modernity: A Historical Perspective
    Oliver H. Holmes
  5. Hermeneutics and Reason: Dilthey, Ortega and the Future of Hermeneutics
    Angel Medina
  6. Ortega’s Velázquez and the Tropics of Modernity
    Thomas Mermall
  7. On Technology and Humanism (An Imaginary Dialogue between Ortega and Heidegger)
    Pedro Cerezo Galán
  8. Freedom, Power and Culture in Ortega y Gasset’s Philosophy of Technology
    Patrick H. Dust
  9. Ethics and the Problem of Modernity in the Meditations on Quijote
    Jaime de Salas
  10. The Revolt of the Masses: Ortega’s Critique of Modernity
    Anthony J. Cascardi

A Spanish Modernity?
Wlad Godzich