Chorn, Taylor, Howe, and Rude Scholarships

The Department of History is pleased to offer three $1000 scholarships to support students who demonstrate financial need and, when possible, will enhance the diversity of the student body as described by the University. Details on each scholarship is below, but they share a common application process:


History Majors who are full-time students at the University of Minnesota


First Monday in November.

How to Apply

To apply, please email [email protected] the following:

  1. An unofficial transcript
  2. A one-page statement describing how your background, experiences, and achievements have led to your specific interests in history

Evaluation & Selection

Students will be considered for all three scholarships. No student will receive more than one scholarship per academic year. Students may apply for scholarships on multiple years, but priority will be granted to students who have not previously received a scholarship.

Scholarship Details

The Department of History is proud to announce the Chorn Family Scholarship. The Chorn family wishes to recognize the important role that historians have as storytellers who help the world make sense of itself. Historians perform this critical storytelling work not only within their own communities but also across different communities. Further, the family understands that external obligations and challenges, such as work or sudden financial hardships can sometimes stand in the way of student success. Accordingly, the Chorn Family Scholarship will be used to break down these barriers and ensure that the storytelling skills students master as a history major will not be silenced. The Chorn Family wants to ensure that your historical thinking and storytelling skills are used after graduation.

The Chorn Family Scholarship will be awarded annually to undergraduate scholars who work more than 20 hours per week and/or to students facing an unforeseen financial hardship.

Scholarship funds can be used toward tuition, a research project, or community engagement work.


All history majors in their junior or senior year who are in good academic standing and who have completed at least three history courses at the University of Minnesota are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

Application Guidelines

Applicants will need to submit their application via email to [email protected] (in a single pdf file named as: last name.chorn.pdf).

  1. College transcript(s). An unofficial transcript is acceptable.
  2. A brief Personal Statement (1-page limit) that describes how these funds will allow you to work less and/or manage a specific hardship or emergency. Applicants should also speak to how they plan to use their history major or storytelling skills during and/or after college.
  3. The Chorn Family Scholarship is due the First Monday in February. 

Review/Selection Considerations

The undergraduate studies committee will review applications and award one Chorn Family Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 each year.

The Department of History seeks applications for the Linda Rude Scholarship, due the first Monday of December. 

The Rude Scholarship is meant to provide financial support of $1,000 to students at The University of Minnesota. Students are eligible to be considered for this award if they are:

  1. History majors, currently enrolled at The University of Minnesota
  2. Able to demonstrate financial need

Preference will be given to students in their junior or senior year of study.

To apply, please email [email protected] an unofficial transcript and a one-page statement describing how your background, experiences, and achievements have led your specific interests in history. Applicants receiving Pell Grants will be given preference.

The Department of History seeks Applications for the Quintard Taylor, Sr., and Grace Taylor Scholarship. Made possible by a gift from the Taylors, the scholarship will award $1000.

"To provide financial support and to be eligible for consideration, the students shall be:

  1. full-time
  2. undergraduate student
  3. enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts
  4. studying history
  5. preference will be given for students who will contribute to student body diversity."

To apply, please email [email protected] an unofficial transcript and a one-page statement describing how your background, experiences, and achievements have led your specific interests in history, with reference to how you could contribute to student body diversity.

The purpose of the Fund is to provide financial support to students at the University of Minnesota. Students are eligible to be considered for this award if they are: a) attending the University of Minnesota Twin Cities; b) undergraduate degree seeking students; c) enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts; d) studying towards a major or minor in the area of history; e) able to demonstrate financial need. f) Preference will be given to students who demonstrates an interest in American history.