Teaching Roundtable: Ideas from the CARLA Summer Institutes
331 SE 17th Ave
Thursday, February 2, 2023
12:00 – 1:00 pm
University International Center 101
Please RSVP to help with food and space counts.
This Roundtable will be offered only in person, and a light lunch will be provided. It will feature seven University of Minnesota language instructors who will showcase a wide range of practical teaching ideas that they gleaned from taking a CARLA Summer Institute.
Each presenter will give an informal, three-minute presentation about something that inspired them during the institute that they hope to incorporate into their language classroom. After this brief introduction to all of the teaching ideas, attendees will exchange further ideas with presenters individually or in small groups.
Roundtable Presenters:
- Stephanie Anderson, Senior Teaching Specialist of Spanish and Portuguese in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies. Summer Institute Attended: Implementing Reflective Practices and Portfolios in the Language Classroom
- Collin S. Diver, Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies. Summer Institute Attended: Critical Approaches to Heritage Language Education
- Rachel Dodson, Graduate Instructor of German and PhD student in the Department of German, Nordic, Slavic, and Dutch. Summer Institute Attended: Using the Web for Communicative Language Learning
- Chloe Mais Hagen, Adjunct French Instructor, St. Olaf College. Summer Institute Attended: Teaching Language Through the Lens of Social Justice
- Sally Kessler, Graduate Instructor of French and PhD student in the Department of French and Italian. Summer Institute Attended: Teaching Language Through the Lens of Social Justice
- Kyle Korynta, Lecturer of Norwegian in the Department of German, Nordic, Slavic, and Dutch. Summer Institute Attended: Using the Web for Communicative Language Learning
- Leiry Warren, Graduate Instructor of Spanish and PhD student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies. Summer Institute Attended: Teaching Linguistic Politeness and Intercultural Awareness
The Roundtable presenters were recipients of a scholarship offered through a special partnership between the Language Center and CARLA. The CARLA Summer Institute Scholarship Program for UMN P&A Language Instructors and Graduate Students was created to support professional development for University of Minnesota language instructors through the CARLA Summer Institute program.
This presentation is co-sponsored by CARLA and the Language Center.