Vietnamese Heritage Course Development Workshop Charts New Path for Language Learning

Presenters at the 2024 Vietnamese Workshop Retreat

On December 12, 2024, the Language Center hosted a dynamic workshop focused on developing Vietnamese courses for heritage students. Student engagement specialist Saena Dozier organized the workshop with funding from the Michigan State University (MSU) National Less Commonly Taught Languages Resource Center's (NLRC) Collaborative Professional Development Fund. The event brought together experts from Michigan State University (MSU) and the University of Minnesota (UMN) who approached the topics of heritage language learning, course development, and teaching with technology from multiple angles.  Presenters included: 

  • Tung Hoang (MSU): An experienced Vietnamese instructor and author of multiple Open Educational Resources (OERs). Tung has shared Vietnamese courses at multiple levels with UMN through the CourseShare program for several years. 
  • Cristina Castro (UMN): The developer and instructor of SPAN 3019W, a third-year course designed for heritage speakers of Spanish. 
  • Adolfo Carrillo Cabello (UMN): The Technology Enhanced Language Learning Specialist offered expertise on technology-mediated engagement in online environments. 
  • Amanda Dalola and Ky Win Nguyen: The lead developers of the new sequence at UMN presented their OER in process, “Bánh Me," which is designed specifically for Vietnamese heritage learners. 

The knowledge and strategies shared during this workshop will be invaluable as the Language Center develops its Vietnamese heritage courses. The courses will focus on creating learner-centered experiences, fostering critical language awareness, integrating cultural perspectives, and building community connections. The courses will help heritage learners advance their language skills while celebrating their cultural backgrounds through diverse Vietnamese perspectives. 

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