University Wind Ensemble

University Wind Ensemble
Event Date & Time
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Event Location
Ted Mann Concert Hall

2128 Fourth Street South
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Craig Kirchoff, guest conductor. 
Rose Craig Tyler, guest graduate conductor. 

This School of Music event is free and open to the public. A livestream will be available (click on the Ted Mann Concert Hall events in the right callout box). 

Ecstatic Fanfare, Steven Bryant 
Variations on the Porazzi Theme of Wagner, Wagner/Reed
Konzertmusik fur Blasorchester, Opus 41, Paul Hindemith 
1. Konzertante Ouvertüre 
2. Sechs Variatione über das Lied “Prinz Eugen, der edle Ritter” 
3. Marsch 


Bravado, Gala Flagello
Nocturne, Zhou Tian/Thornton
Dionysiaques, Florent Schmitt/Hauswirth

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