Psych Scoop 11/5/24 - Registration Edition
The Psych Scoop is sent to all Psychology Undergraduate students and alumni each week throughout the academic school year.
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Psychology Advising Announcements
Current majors are expected to know the announcements in the advising announcement section.
Feedback for the department? Check out our suggestion box.
Registration Begins November 12th for Spring 2025!
Spring registration begins soon! Be sure to check your MyU account to find the date and time you can begin to register for classes. To prepare for registration, meet with both your College advisor and Psychology Advising. Keep in mind that registration is the busiest time of year for advisors, and thus appointments tend to fill up 2 weeks in advance. Wait times may be longer depending on your availability as well.
Schedule an Appointment Now!
If you would like to speak to a psychology advisor about course planning before registration, you will need to schedule an appointment. Please be aware that our appointments are booked out far in advance this time of year, so you may want to consider drop-ins as a backup. It is also very important to notify our office if you are no longer able to make a scheduled appointment so that we can open those appointment times up to other students.
Drop-In Hours: What To Expect
Psychology Undergraduate Advising holds designated drop-in hours for 5 - 10-minute questions. To run efficiently and serve our students best, we must recognize and respect these specified drop-in times and the scope of what can be covered in them. Questions that may be addressed during drop-ins include quick course questions, policy verification, and resource referrals. If your question takes more than 10 minutes or requires a certain level of preparation (such as determining what classes you have left in your major), you will be asked to schedule an appointment with an advisor for a later date. Drop-in hours can be found on our website.
Course Planning
Course Catalog vs. Course Offerings
Some psychology course offerings may be different than what the Course Catalog and Graduation Planner indicate. Please be aware that, while these tools provide good estimations for course offerings, courses are not guaranteed to be offered during the term listed in Grad Planner or the Course Catalog. This is especially true for PSY 5xxx level (graduate level) courses. The Class Search should always be viewed as the most up-to-date and accurate resource for when classes will be offered during upcoming terms.
What do I have left in my Psychology Major?
Use APAS to view your progress in your major, and compare this with our BA Psychology Requirements Sheet or BS Psychology Requirements Sheet. If you have questions about or notice a discrepancy between your Psychology Major requirements and what is listed on your APAS under Psychology, please feel free to email us at [email protected]. We are happy to review this with you over email to provide clarification and to make any updates as required.
What To Do If A Course You Planned To Register For Is Closed
If a Wait List is available, add yourself to the waitlist. Do not contact Psychology Faculty/Instructors to request access to a closed class. Permission numbers are not available for closed psychology courses. There are only so many seats available in each class, and someone needs to drop for a seat to become available. We do not make exceptions to registration policies based on individual circumstances. However, here are some steps you can take to increase your likelihood of securing an open seat:
1. DO register for an alternate course - Because there is no guarantee that you will get into a closed course, it is best to register for another course. That way you can hold yourself a place in a back-up course while you take steps to try to get into your first choice. Consider reviewing the Swap or Future Swap features available to you in the registration system!
2. DO register for the waitlist, if one is available. If a waitlist is not available, DO keep checking the registration system for an open seat. There is usually a little fluctuation in course enrollment as people adjust their schedules before the start of the term (especially in the week right before the term starts). Check the registration system daily in case a seat opens up.
Registration Instructions
PSY 4993/5993 Research Lab Registration Instructions
Are you planning to participate in PSY 4993/5993 next semester? If so, please note that the registration process for this experience differs greatly from that of standard PSY courses. Please read and follow the registration guidelines outlined on our website to secure an experience and become enrolled. Please feel free to schedule an appointment with Psychology Advising to discuss your options. Even if you submitted a contract for Fall 2024, you will need a new contract for Spring 2025 if you want to register again.
Planning PSY Capstone Spring 2025 Term?
If you plan to take PSY Capstone (PSY 3901W, 3902W, 3903W) in Spring 2025, please check your email for an important message from our department regarding enrollment in this course! To enroll, you will need to meet the prerequisites of:
-Senior Status (90 credits +)
-Completion of PSY Foundation Courses (1001, 3801, 3001W)
-Completion of the Distribution Areas Courses (the five required courses across areas A, B, & C)
-BS Students ONLY--completion of at least 12 credits of Outside Foundation coursework
Psychology BS capstone additional information.
Psychology BA capstone(s) additional information.
Psychology BA Students - Consider PSY 3903W: Capstone in Psychology - Community Engagement
In the Community Engaged Capstone, you get to connect what you have learned about psychology in the classroom to important issues in your local community through the Center for Community-Engaged Learning or by getting approval from CCEL to continue in an existing paid or unpaid position in a non-profit or governmental organization where you have the opportunity to work onsite at a Twin Cities community organization throughout the semester. In Fall 2022, your Psychology peers have been involved with a wide variety of organizations, including The Advocates for Human Rights, Mental Health Minnesota, Communities United Against Police Brutality (CUAPB), YWCA Minneapolis, Dress for Success Twin Cities, and Marcy Arts Magnet School. As you put together your course registration for next semester, if you are a Psy BA major we suggest you consider Community Engagement (PSY 3903W). Students volunteering in unpaid experiences are eligible to apply for scholarship support via the Psychology Engagement Award (up to $500) for the semester!