Karina Villeda Recipient of the North Star Promise Program

Karina Villeda, undergraduate student in political science and psychology, grew up in a neighborhood where most of her classmates did not continue to college.
As mentioned in a recent article by MPR News, Villeda, the daughter of a Salvadoran immigrant, never considered college because it was seen as expensive and out of reach, typically for wealthy white people.
After high school, she worked in a casino for a decade, avoiding college because coworkers with degrees were still struggling financially. The result of the COVID-19 pandemic and becoming a parent made her seek job security. She eventually enrolled in community college, took out loans, and educated herself on financial aid, leading her to join LeadMN and advocate for the North Star Promise program.
Now, with the North Star scholarship, she's at the University of Minnesota, aiming for law school and feels more confident about her future.
The North Star Promise Program helps to cover tuition and fees for Minnesota students studying at a public institution or tribal college in the state with a family gross income under $80,000. This is in full effect starting Fall 2024.
Karina Villeda, undergraduate in political science and psychology at the University of Minnesota.
Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.