
Director / Director of Undergraduate Studies

Name Contact Specialties
Katharine Gerbner
Department of History
1239 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Religious dimensions of race, authority, and freedom in the early modern Atlantic world
Nathanael Homewood
Associate Director
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Graduate Program Coordinator
248 Social Sciences Building
[email protected]
Global Christianity, Religion and Sexuality, African Religions, Pentecostalism

Director of Graduate Studies

Name Contact Specialties
Anna Lise Seastrand
Department of Art History
417 Heller Hall
[email protected]
South Asian art

Core Faculty & Staff

Name Contact Specialties

Patricia Ahearne-Kroll
Department of Classical & Near Eastern Religions and Cultures


262 Nicholson Hall
[email protected]
Second temple Judaism, Religion in Ptolemaic Egypt, Jewish apocrypha and pseude
Stephen Ahearne-Kroll
Department of Classical & Near Eastern Religions and Cultures
146E Nicholson Hall
[email protected]
New Testament, Hellenistic religions, Second Temple Judaism, gender, family
Ranjani Atur  
Department of Classical & Near Eastern Religions & Cultures
254 Nicholson Hall    
612-625-3326  [email protected]
Ancient Greek Religion, Material Culture and Space, Comparative Religions, Ancient Polytheisms, Early Christianity
Sinem Arcak Casale
Department of Art History
423 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Islamic art and architecture, the history and visual culture of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals, art, diplomacy, religion, and trade in the early modern Muslim world,
Penny Edgell
Department of Sociology
1039 Social Sciences Building
[email protected]
Culture, gender, religion
Aisha Ghani
Department of Anthropology
369 Hubert H. Humphrey Center
[email protected]
Anthropology of religion and secularism, political and legal anthropology, violence, liberalism sovereignty, U.S. constitutional and environmental law, Islamic law, psychoanalysis, courtroom ethnography, social theory; Islam and Muslim communities in the United States
Katharine Gerbner
Department of History
1239 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Religious dimensions of race, authority, and freedom in the early modern Atlantic world
Alia Goehr
Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
220 Folwell Hall
[email protected]
Early modern Chinese literature and religion, Buddhism, Neo-Confucianism
Daniel M Greenberg
Department of Art History
421 Heller Hall
[email protected]
East Asian Art
Peter Harle
CLA Advising
338 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Alexander Jabbari 220N Folwell Hall
[email protected]
Literary history and philology of the Middle East and South Asia, Persian, Arabic, and Urdu textual traditions

Bernard Levinson
Berman Family Chair of Jewish Studies and Hebrew Bible

Department of Classical & Near Eastern Religions and Cultures

258 Nicholson Hall
[email protected]
Hebrew Bible, Jewish studies, history of interpretation, literary approaches to biblical studies, divine revelation
Hanne Loeland-Levinson
Department of Classical & Near Eastern Religions and Cultures
150E Nicholson Hall
[email protected]
Gender studies, metaphor theory, prophetic literature, and biblical narratives
Howard Louthan
Department of History
1116 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Early modern Europe; Central Europe; cultural, intellectual, and religious history
Nabil Matar
Department of English
330C Lind Hall
[email protected]
Early modern Euro-Islamic contacts, 17th century British religious literature
Natan Paradise
Associate Director of the Center for Jewish Studies
150B Nicholson Hall
[email protected]
Center for Jewish Studies
Morgan Rouzer
Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
230D Folwell Hall
[email protected]
Buddhism and its relation to pre-modern and modern literature
Nida Sajid
Department of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
260 Nicholson Hall
[email protected]
South Asian Literature and Culture, Modern Muslim World and Islam in South Asia, Empire and Postcolonial Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Anna Seastrand
Department of Art History
338 Heller Hall
[email protected]
South Asian art and religious practice; sacred space; Hinduism and the South Indian temple
J.B. Shank
Department of History
922 Heller Hall
[email protected]
History of Western philosophy, science, and religion
Ajay Skaria
Department of History
924 Heller Hall
[email protected]
South Asia, environmental history
Theofanis Stavrou
Department of History
1224 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Religious history of Russia in the twentieth century
Andrea Sterk
Department of History
1237 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Ancient and medieval Christianity, late antiquity, Byzantium history
Rachel Trocchio  Department of English 310A Pillsbury Hall
[email protected]
17th- through 19th-century American literature, Puritanism and Puritan literary studies, Early Modern Studies, Intellectual History, Religion and Cognition
Ann Waltner
Department of History
912 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Law, world history, gender, traditional Chinese social history

Affiliated Faculty & Staff

Name Contact Specialties
Hakim Abderrezak
Department of French & Italian
303C Folwell Hall
[email protected]
French and Francophone language, literature, and culture; French immigration policies, Maghrebi cinema, north African and Caribbean literature
Cawo Abdi
Department of Sociology
1146 Social Sciences Building
[email protected]
Migration, transnationalism, Islam, race, class, gender, globalization
Dean Billmeyer
School of Music
100 Ferguson Hall
[email protected]
Organ, analysis and techniques of sacred music
David Chang
Department of History
1143 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Race and ethnicity in Hawai'i and the United States, religion in the politics of agrarian socialism
Department of Classical & Near Eastern Religions and Cultures
146F Nicholson Hall
Greek and Roman Religion
Kirsten Fischer
Department of History
1049 Heller Hall
[email protected]
American religious history
Michael Gallope Department of Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
235A 216 Pillsbury Drive [email protected]
Music and spirituality, music and sound, continental philosophy and critical theory, visual culture, Black/African diaspora, theories of modernism
Michael Gaudio
Department of Art History
364 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Visual culture of early modern Europe, Protestant Reformation
Michelle Hamilton
Department of Spanish & Portuguese
209 Folwell Hall
[email protected]
Jews, Muslims, and Christians in medieval Iberia; Maimonides; Ibn Rushd; Christian mystics; Moriscos; mysticism
Katherine Hayes
Department of Anthropology
386 Hubert H. Humphrey Center
[email protected]
Historical archaeology and material culture, early colonial entanglements of European settlers, Native Americans and enslaved Africans in North America. 
Zornitsa Keremidchieva
Department of Communication Studies
225 Ford Hall
[email protected]
Rhetorical studies, intercultural and interfaith institution building around the Eastern Orthodox world
Dwight K. Lewis, Jr.
Department of Philosophy
817 Heller Hall
[email protected]
History of early modern philosophy, philosophy of race, religion and blackness
Alan Love
Department of Philosophy
735 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Philosophy of biology, philosophy of science, science and religion
Peter Mercer-Taylor
School of Music
100 Ferguson Hall
[email protected]
Music history 1750–1900, American hymnology
Susan Noakes
Department of French & Italian
305D Folwell Hall
[email protected]
Women's studies, the Global Middle Ages
Matt Rahaim
School of Music
170 Ferguson Hall
[email protected]
South Asia, vocal and bodily practices, ethical self-cultivation, phenomenology, performance, ethnography, sonic ecology
Andrew Scheil
Department of English
310E Lind Hall
[email protected]
Late antique and early medieval theology, exegesis, and literature; anti-Semitism; religion and literature (especially poetry)
Daniel Schroeter
Department of History
1018 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Jewish studies, Middle East, north Africa
Hoon Song
Department of Anthropology
395 Hubert H. Humphrey Center
[email protected]
Theories of religion, witchcraft, divination, sorcery, shamanism
Shaden Tageldin
Department of Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
218 Nicholson Hall
[email protected]
19th- and 20th-century literatures in English, Arabic, French, empire and postcolonial studies, critical translation theory, political of language, literary form, genre, histories and ideologies of comparative literature, aesthetics and biologics of race, nation, culture, literatures of migration and diaspora
John Watkins
Department of English
312 Lind Hall
[email protected]
Reformation cultural history, apocalypticism in modern American culture

Faculty Emeriti

Name Contact Specialties
William Beeman
Department of Anthropology
395 Hubert H. Humphrey Center
[email protected]
Islam, Middle Eastern religion and anthropology
Jeffrey Broadbent
Department of Sociology
1026 Social Sciences Building
[email protected]
Religious cultural influence and social action in east Asian society
Jeanne Kilde
Religious Studies Program
146C Nicholson Hall
[email protected]
Theory and method in religious studies, religion in America, religious space and architecture
Patricia Lorcin
Department of History 
1020 Heller Hall
[email protected]
Modern France and French imperialism, Race and Racial ideology in France and its colonies, Western Imperialism, Colonialism, Post-colonial Studies
Department of American Studies
[email protected] Anthropology of America, cultural studies of American Jews and Judaism
Melissa Harl Sellew
Department of Classical & Near Eastern Studies
260 Nicholson Hall
[email protected]
Greek and Roman religion, New Testament studies, early Christianity