Featured New Faculty Hire: Jaclyn (Jacki) Fiscus-Cannaday
Jacki Fiscus-Cannaday joined the Department of Writing Studies as an assistant professor fall 2024. Jacki graduated with her MA and PhD from the University of Washington's Rhetoric and Composition Program in 2018. She has spent the last six years as an assistant professor of English at Florida State University. Get to know more about Jacki below.
What most excites you about being a part of Writing Studies?
I love teaching rhetorical awareness so that students can tackle the writing that excites them—whether that be academic, professional, or public-facing writing.
What can students, undergraduate or graduate, expect from you?
I think it's important to get to know students, so I can understand what kind of learner they are and what goals they have.
What are your research interests/plans?
I specialize in antiracist, feminist, and inclusive composition pedagogies. My first book, "Reflection-in-Motion: Reimagining Reflection with Reflective Practitioners in the Writing Classroom," will be published in December 2024 with Utah State University Press. The book explores how we can use reflection for different rhetorical effects—including rethinking deep-rooted beliefs and working across differences. I'm starting research for my next book project, which will explore reshaping language ideologies through pedagogical tools with undergraduate students.
What course(s) are you looking forward to teaching?
For undergraduate students: WRIT 3441 Editing, Critique, and Style, 3221W Communication Modes and Methods, 3102W Public Writing, 3244W Critical Literacies: How Words Change the World.
For graduate students: WRIT 5531 Writing Pedagogy, 5532 Writing Pedagogy Practicum, 8011 Research Methods in Writing Studies and Technical Communication, 8560 Seminar in Writing Studies
What is one fun fact about you?
I was a synchronized ice skater from the age of five through college, skating for the University of Michigan Synchronized Skating team in college.