Vanessa Anyanso Featured in SPARK

Vanessa Anyanso

The newly released issue of SPARK features Vanessa Anyanso's compelling essay  "The Politics of Psychology." This narrative delves into her journey navigating the realms of counseling psychology, deeply influenced by Black feminism, as she discovers her commitments and duties within the field.

SPARK is an electronic magazine published by the University of Minnesota Graduate School Diversity Office and is dedicated to amplifying the research, experiences, and voices of graduate researchers who identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or people of color (BIPOC). Research stories in SPARK serve as a fresh perspective, bridging academic scholarship with community relevance. Central to SPARK's mission is the development of BIPOC writers, fostering a collaborative publishing environment that honors each writer's intentions, ideas, and creativity. SPARK is committed to empowering voices and perspectives historically marginalized within academia.

Vanessa Anyanso is a graduate student in counseling psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota. Here adviser is Rich Lee.

Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.

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