Emeriti Faculty

Name Contact Specialty
Rosita D. Albert alber001@umn.edu Intercultural communication, international relations, communication theory, health communication
Donald R. Browne                        Comparative and international broadcasting, broadcasting and national development, international relations, historical research methodology
Karlyn Kohrs Campbell                            Rhetorical theory and criticism, women in communication, presidential rhetoric
Amy Sheldon asheldon@umn.edu Language and gender, language and social interaction, child and adult language acquisition, discourse analysis
Catherine Squires squir050@umn.edu Media, race and politics; gender and media studies; public sphere studies; community-engaged research; educational inequality
Michael Sunnafrank msunnafr@umn.edu Interpersonal communication, intercultural relationships, communication theory, persuasion
Arthur E. Walzer awalzer@umn.edu Rhetorical theory and criticism, 18th century rhetorical theory, ethics and technical communication