David Olsen
David Olsen is a research systems engineer and consultant with CLA's Liberal Arts Technologies and Innovation Services (LATIS). While his formal background and research interests have focused on economics, mathematics, and statistics, David's professional career principally involves working with other researchers to develop novel solutions in the acquisition and transformation of data as well as to develop more efficient algorithms to improve the computational tractability of their analyses. As a member of LATIS' Research Division, David's work falls under three axes: research computing and programming, data analysis, and consulting/instruction. Some recent examples of his projects include: design and maintenance of CLA's research cluster; development of APIs and tools to integrate MTurk, Qualtrics and custom web-based studies; creation of machine learning models to ingest and extract meaning from images; development of an MRI simulator; among others.
Educational Background
- BS: Economics, University of Minnesota
- Research computing
- Parallel programming
- Machine learning