The Importance of Global Workforce Skills
Location: West Bank, details TBD
CEUs: 14 contact hours
Cost: free
In order to graduate prepared for success and employment in a global economy, career and technical education students must have the workforce readiness skills enabling them to work with people from diverse backgrounds, for foreign-owned companies, and on global issues and challenges affecting their pathway (such as supply chain issues and international standards and regulations). This workshop will help educators understand global workforce readiness skills, how they link to career pathways, and how to integrate global skills and content into what is already being taught in the classroom. Faculty will leave this hands-on, interactive workshop with a syllabus infused with new content to more deeply engage their students while meeting required standards and objectives.
Co-sponsored by the Institute for Global Studies and the African Studies Initiative, Title VI National Resource Centers at the University of Minnesota.
(Registration deadline June 1, 2024 or until full)