Connect & Network

The Department of American Studies

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We are always happy to hear from alumni! Maintaining an active community of former students is beneficial to alumni as well as current students and faculty.

Stay connected with your fellow alums and the department:

  • Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest news and join our growing network of current and former American studies members.
  • Follow faculty, current alumni, and former alumni's latest academic accomplishments on
  • Get in touch with us! Check back for stories highlighting the careers and achievements of some of our alums, and tell us your latest news so we can feature your accomplishments as well!

The College of Liberal Arts

You are also invited to connect and network with the College of Liberal Arts and the University of Minnesota.

Learn more about how CLA Career Services can support alumni.

Learn about the easy ways to help the U of M succeed at the Capitol by becoming part of UMN Advocates.

The College of Liberal Arts alumni relations office is here for you! Find out more about what's happening in CLA and how to get involved.