Alumni Spotlight: Nicholas Milles

Nicholas Milles

Nicholas Milles
2018 CLA Grad — Political Science
Consulting Analyst at Accenture — Minneapolis Minnesota

What does your professional work entail? What does a typical day look like, for you? 
My work entails advising and delivering change in leading businesses and organizations. This entails creating frameworks for approaching sustainability strategy, implementing enterprise level software platforms, and everything in between. Within this line of work there isn't a typical day - change and adaptability define my work life.

How do you utilize your liberal arts degree in your career? 
I utilize my liberal arts degree each and every day. The diverse and deep exploration of current issues has given me an advantage understanding political pressures that our clients are facing as well as enabling me to adapt and tackle a wide range of challenges.

How did you get to where you are today? What influenced your decision to pursue this path? 
I got to where I am behind the drive of my own curiosity and the support system in place through the College of Liberal Arts. By utilizing career fairs, mock interviews, and peer resume reviews, I was able to get my first internship in the digital consulting space which I have since leveraged into my current job.

What was the most important career-related step you took while a student in CLA? Was it finding an internship? Studying abroad? Trying a different kind of course? Networking? Please describe
The most important career step I made was attending the fall 2017 CLA career fair. It was here that I networked and connected with the company that would eventually become my first digital internship. Leveraging that experience, I was then able to break into consulting.

What is one piece of advice you would give to current students who are looking to pursue a similar path? 
I would advise current students to explore. From the onset, even if you have no prior experience, apply and try to break into any internships, apprenticeships, or programs that you can. Only through experiencing a taste of multiple paths can you determine which is the right one for you.

Where can people find you and/or get in touch? 
To get in touch with me, feel free to contact me on Linkedin preferably, or the Maroon & Gold Network

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