Films include Platillos volantes and El sustituto by director Óscar Aibar and Idrissa: Crónica de una muerte cualquiera and Tarajal: Desmontando la impunidad en la frontera…
Read the New York Times review that calls this set of 20th-century short films featuring feminist protest and slapstick rebellion "a triumph of scholarship."
Professor and chair of cultural studies and comparative literature and professor of communication studies Laurie Ouellette places the show COPS within a historical and…
There was no funnier sight gag in early cinema than the catastrophe of epidemic contagion. Habitual tics such as yawning, laughing, sneezing, hiccupping, itching, coughing…
Music journalist turned PhD student Matthew Tchepikova-Treon is particularly fascinated by how disenfranchised artists, laborers, and communities began participating in…