
Name Contact Specialty
Keya Ganguly
Director of Graduate Studies
Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
222 216 Pillsbury Dr.
[email protected]
South Asian film and culture, film and visual studies, postcolonial theory and criticism
Graeme Stout
Senior Lecturer and Film Studies Coordinator
Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
213 216 Pillsbury Dr. 
[email protected]
Film, television, and media studies; political and social theory; visual arts and intellectual history

Moving Image, Media & Sound Faculty

Name Contact Specialty
Hakim Abderrezak
Associate Professor
French & Italian
[email protected] Maghrebi & Beur literature, cinema & music; representations of Clandestine migrations in Arabic, French, & Spanish; Francophone studies
Sophia Beal
Associate Professor
Spanish & Portuguese Studies
[email protected] Brazilian literature and cultural studies, Lusophone-African Literature and cultural studies, urban studies, postcolonial studies
Ben Bigelow
Associate Professor
German, Nordic, Slavic & Dutch
[email protected] Scandinavian literature and culture
Jane Blocker
Art History
[email protected] 20th-century theory & criticism, alternative media, performance Art
Emily Ruth Capper
Assistant Professor of Art History and Associate Curator at the Weisman Art Museum 
[email protected] Modern and contemporary art; the social and intellectual history of art; film and media history; historiography and critical theory
Cesare Casarino
Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
[email protected] European cinemas, literary theory, 19th- and 20th-century comparative literatures
Palita Chunsaengchan
Assistant Professor
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
[email protected] Comparative Media Aesthetics; Film theory / historiography; Early Thai Cinema; "Media Modernity"; Cinema and Politics of Class, Production and Circulation; Contemporary Southeast Asian Cinema
Siobhan Craig
Associate Professor
[email protected] Fascist-era cinema in Italy and Germany, new German cinema, the cinematic body
Lorenzo Fabbri
Associate Professor
French & Italian
[email protected] Italian cinema, continental philosophy and literary theory, postcolonial studies, visual culture under fascism, biopolitics
Joseph R Farag
Associate Professor
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
[email protected] Palestinian literature and film; modern Arabic literature; Arab cultural studies; modern Arab history, politics, and society; Arab American studies
Ana Forcinito
Spanish & Portuguese Studies
[email protected] 19th- and 20th-century Latin American literature, women's writing, Latin American film
Michael Gallope
Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
[email protected] Music and Sound, Continental Philosophy and Critical Theory, Peripheral Modernisms, Black/African Diaspora, Popular Culture
Keya Ganguly
Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
[email protected] South Asian film and culture, film and visual studies, postcolonial theory and criticism
Sumanth Gopinath
Associate Professor
School of Music
[email protected] Music after WWII, musical hermeneutics, music and globalization
Ron Greene
Communication Studies
[email protected] Film exhibition, educational uses of film or movies, Legal and popular perspectives on free speech, political communication
Atilla Hallsby
Assistant Professor
Communication Studies
[email protected] Rhetorical studies; post-structuralist theories of discourse; history of secrecy; privacy & transparency; critical surveillance & security studies
Maggie Hennefeld
Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
[email protected] Silent cinema, film history and film theory, film and popular culture
Katerina Korola
Assistant Professor
German, Nordic, Slavic & Dutch
[email protected] German and Central European modernism, history of photography, film history and theory, modern art and visual culture, ecocriticism and the environmental humanities
Alice Lovejoy
Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
[email protected] Film history and historiography; nonfiction and experimental film; East Central European film, literature, and cultural history
Lynn Lukkas
[email protected] Video, film, interdisciplinary art
Christine Marran
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
[email protected] Gender and sexuality in print and film culture, Japanese and Asian film, modern Japanese literature
Stuart McLean
[email protected] anthropology of modernity, social and cultural theory, historical anthropology, Ireland, European Union
Jason McGrath
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
[email protected] Chinese and international cinema, modern and contemporary Chinese literature and culture, issues of convention and intextuality in film theory
Laurie Ouellette
Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature and Communication Studies
[email protected] Critical media studies, cultural studies, feminist criticism, television studies, reality TV, citizenship, governmentality and media
Sonali Pahwa
Associate Professor
Theatre Arts & Dance
[email protected] Middle East Studies, performance studies, digital media, gender studies, youth culture, Egypt
Elliott Powell
Beverly and Richard Fink Professor in Liberal Arts 
Associate Professor of American Studies and Asian American Studies
[email protected] American popular music and culture, Comparative race and ethnic studies, Feminist and queer studies, Afro-Asian studies, Black cultural studies, Afro-diasporic popular music, Inter-/cross-cultural music making, Sound studies
Ioana Vartolomei Pribiag
Assistant Professor
French and Italian
[email protected] Francophone literature and film, postcolonial studies, politics of aesthetics
Jani Scandura
Associate Professor
[email protected] Cultural studies and critical theory; 20th-century North American literatures, film, mass culture
Jenny Schmid
[email protected] Combined print media, digital applications, photolithography, mezzotinting
Suvadip Sinha
Film Studies Advisory Committee Chair
Associate Professor
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
[email protected] Indian cinema, modern South Asian literature and culture, global modernities, philosophy of the non-human
Mary Douglas Vavrus
Communication Studies
[email protected] Media studies; feminist theory; political economy of media
Christophe Wall-Romana
French & Italian
[email protected] French cinema, silent cinema, media history
Jamele Watkins
Assistant Professor
German, Nordic, Slavic & Dutch
[email protected] 20th- and 21st-century German literature and history; Black diasporic studies; performance studies; feminist studies; German film
Margaret Werry
Associate Professor
Theatre Arts & Dance
[email protected] Cultural policy and governmentality—tourism, heritage, film; 19th-century Euro-American and British colonial popular theatre and entertainment culture, museum studies
Travis Workman
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
[email protected] Korean and Japanese literature, film, and intellectual history; humanism and empire; critical theory; film melodrama; Cold War aesthetics; North Korea

Moving Image, Media & Sound Emeriti Faculty

Name Contact Specialty
Amy Kaminsky
Professor Emeritus
Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
[email protected] Latin American film, Jewish writing and film in Argentina, feminist literary theory and criticism
Richard Leppert
Regents Professor Emeritus
Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
[email protected] Art history, cultural studies, musicology
Richard McCormick
Professor Emeritus
German, Scandinavian & Dutch
[email protected] German film History, post-WWII German cinema, Weimar film and culture
Mara Pedelty
Professor Emeritus
Communication Studies
[email protected] Music as environmental communication, ethnographic research in the USA, El Salvador, and Mexico
Paula Rabinowitz
Professor Emerita
[email protected] American women, minority, and working-class writers; film, photography, media; visual cultures