Giving & Support
For more information on ways to give, contact:
Peter Rozga
Office of Institutional Advancement
220 Johnston Hall
101 Pleasant St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
[email protected]
For other giving options, visit the University of Minnesota Foundation.
Because the world needs nimble thinkers and powerful communicators, the Center for Writing takes a comprehensive approach to improving writing and writing instruction at the University of Minnesota and throughout the state. Every day, undergraduate and graduate students meet individually with the Center’s writing consultants, face-to-face as well as online. Every week, University and preK-12 instructors receive guidance and support in group, one-to-one, interdisciplinary, and discipline-specific workshops and consultations.
With your support, the Center for Writing’s programs will remain accessible to Minnesota’s students and teachers, and we will continue to develop innovative programs to strengthen writing across the curriculum. The Center has two funds for private giving:
Fund 2821: Center for Writing General Fund
Gifts to this fund directly benefit University of Minnesota students and instructors. Demand for the Center’s consultations and resources has grown tremendously in recent years, so your gift will support
- Greater access to Student Writing Support consultations for all students, ensuring those seeking help will not be turned away
- Expanded Teaching with Writing consultations, workshops, and seminars to help instructors in all fields integrate meaningful writing instruction into their courses
- Technological innovation in supporting and teaching writing through dynamic online applications, building upon the success of the Center’s pioneering
- Research and inquiry into the most pressing questions related to writing and communication in the 21st century
Make a gift to the Center for Writing online through the University of Minnesota Foundation.
Fund 6464: Minnesota Writing Project
Gifts to this fund provide valuable professional development opportunities to preK – college teachers across the state through our local site of the National Writing Project. Minnesota Writing Project educators deepen their commitment to teaching reading and writing, develop classroom methods that meet the needs of our state’s diverse students, and become leaders and reformers in their schools. Your gift will support—
- Fellowships for teachers in underserved areas to attend the MWP Summer Institute on the Twin Cities campus
- Opportunities for teachers to attend and share their best practices at regional and national professional development conferences
- Youth and community literacy programs, including the Gopher Writing Camp and Young Writers’ Conferences
Make a gift to the Minnesota Writing Project online through the University of Minnesota Foundation.
Additional Testimonials:
“I am so grateful for my writing consultant's enthusiasm, insight, motivational support, interest in my thesis project, and constant optimism."
University of Minnesota student, commenting on Student Writing Support services
“This seminar went far beyond the writing components of my courses. It helped me to evaluate the ‘purpose’ of everything in the course (reading, assignments, class activities). The time spent in the seminar was well worth the investment. One of the best professional development experiences I have had as an instructor!”
University of Minnesota instructor, commenting on the Teaching with Writing pre-fall seminar
“It is a great investment...! The practical ideas and current writing strategies I learned will directly benefit my students. I will be a better writing teacher and, as a result, my students will be better writers and readers. This experience has been the best three-week workshop in my 30 years of teaching high school English (and I’ve attended lots of professional workshops!).”
High school English teacher, commenting on the Minnesota Writing Project Summer Invitational Institute