Spring 2022 - Paid Internship Opportunities at the European Parliament Liaison Office in Washington DC
The European Parliament Liaison Office in Washington DC (EPLO) is pleased to announce the launch of its next round of paid, full-time internships aimed at US graduates. The internship program for now remains in line with current Covid 19 restrictions and health and safety measures. Interns will be accepted in our Washington DC office from March 1 – May 31, 2022, with an option to extend the internship for a further two months, until July 31 at our office in Washington DC.
Currently interns are being offered the right to telework from home one day per week and are expected to work from our offices on the other days.
The deadline to submit an application is end of day of December 10. We require a CV in Europass format, a personal statement and one letter of recommendation from a university faculty member.
The internship offers a unique opportunity for students and young professionals with an interest in transatlantic policy.
Full details are available on our website: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/unitedstates/en/internships or email us for more information at [email protected].