Application Materials

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Reparations: A Global German Affair

A Trans-Atlantic Summer Institute (TASI)

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

July 18-29, 2022

The Trans-American Summer Institute is intended for advanced graduate students working toward a PhD or other terminal degree at a North American or international university. Preference will be given to students who have already defined a dissertation topic. The language of instruction is English. Competency in English is required.

The Center for German and European Studies will cover most expenses for participants.  This includes:

  • Housing and most meals for the duration of the Institute
  • Access to library and archival materials and internet resources
  • Partial travel support

Fellows enrolled at universities not situated in North America will receive up to $1,000 to be put toward the cost of round-trip airfare to Minneapolis. Fellows enrolled at North American universities will receive up to $500 to be put toward travel expenses. We encourage fellows to apply to their home institutions to cover the remainder of their travel expenses, but matching funds are not required for participation in the Institute.

Deadline for applications is May 1, 2022.

A complete application consists of:

  • a two-page (350-500 words) abstract of your paper or project
  • a curriculum vitae

Notification of acceptance will be sent by May 10, 2022.

Email the application materials to