Audiology Services

Our Audiology Clinic

Our clinic provides the following audiological services for infants through adults:

  • Diagnostic hearing evaluations
  • Hearing aid evaluation
  • Dispensing a wide range of hearing aids
  • Assistive devices
  • Hearing conservation programs including hearing tests for individuals exposed to high-noise environments
  • Hearing conservation products including earplugs, musician's earplugs, and earmuffs

Hearing Aids

A client interested in obtaining hearing aids from our clinics will meet with audiologist to select a product that meets their needs. We work with a number of manufacturers that offer hearing aids with a wide range of options and costs.

All hearing aids purchased in our clinic may be returned within 45 days if the client is not completely satisfied, in accordance with Minnesota state law.

Clients are provided with follow-up appointments at no cost for the first year after receiving the hearing aid.

Assistive Devices

In addition to our hearing aid services, we work with clients to determine if other assistive devices may be beneficial. These are devices for the telephone, alerting systems, and devices that amplify speakers in large groups or settings with excessive background noise.

Hearing Conservation Testing

Our clinic tests and monitors hearing levels in individuals who are exposed to chronic noise from occupational or recreational environments.

Contact us for more information


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