April 21 Coffee Hour presented by Beverley Mullings, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto

Beverly Mullings
Please join us for our next Coffee Hour on Friday, April 21, 3-4pm, 445 Blegen Hall.
Presenter: Beverley Mullings, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto

Title: Financialization, Securitization and the Changing Terrain of Struggle for Caribbean Freedom


Abstract: Criminalization, containment and the negation of worth are becoming the defining features of the emerging global financial regulatory architecture governing the movement of capital across borders. Reliant on constructions of the Caribbean region as a space of criminalized relative surplus populations, this regulatory system has had dire consequences for the Caribbean’s poorest and most racialized members. In conversation with scholars of colonial racial capitalism, I explore how the emerging financialization/securitization nexus is reordering life-making in the region, as well as the terrain upon which future struggles for self-determination must be waged.

Bio: Dr. Beverley Mullings is a Professor of Black Economy Geography at the University of Toronto. She is interested in the ways that evolving racial capitalist regimes are recasting and transforming work, divisions of labour, patterns of urban governance and ultimately, responses to social and economic injustice in post-plantation economies. Dr. Mullings is currently engaged in a number of research projects that include an examination of the kinds of dispossessions that financialization enables in the Caribbean; raciality, informality and the transforming nature of work; and the place of diaspora in the re-making of Caribbean Radical Traditions. Her publications have appeared in a number of journals including the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Gender, Place and Culture, the Journal of Economic Geography, Antipode, Review of International Political Economy, Small Axe, Geoforum and Environment and Planning A.

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