Grad Student Receives Awards at the AAG
Congratulations to Chelsea L. Cervantes De Blois, who was awarded Best Student Paper from the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Eurasian Specialty Group's Student Paper Competition for her paper, Mapping Azerbaijan's vulnerability: analysis of toxic hotspots and migration. She also won second place in the Cartography Specialty Group's Illustrated Paper Competition for her presentation on Mapping Azerbaijan's regional vulnerability: analysis of pollutant and demographic data.
These awards were given to Chelsea at the the AAG's annual conference which took place the first week of April in Washington DC.
Recently Chelsea won a Poster Award for her poster "Which Region of Kyrgyzstan is Most Vulnerable to Ethnic Conflict? Evidence from Fieldwork" at the Population Association of America's (PAA) annual meeting in the session on Population, Development, and the Environment. Congratulations Chelsea!