Facility Information

A blueprint type of image of how offices and other space are laid out in the Liberal Arts Engagement Hub.
Standard Hub room set-up

The Liberal Arts Engagement Hub (The Hub) is located in room 120 Pillsbury Hall at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Covering approximately 2,300 square feet, the space includes a reception area, a kitchenette, and a large open area (the Collaborative Space). See the floor plan below for a depiction of The Hub.

Users of The Hub become its entrusted co-stewards. As such, we expect all users to care for this space in order to maintain its integrity as a dignified place of safe, trusting, and just partnership.

The Collaborative Space is designed to accommodate a variety of activities, such as lectures, performances, rehearsals, meetings, classes, art-making, and exhibitions. It is equipped with the following furniture:

  • 40 – chairs with upholstered seat
  • 60 – stacking chairs
  • 2 – stacking chair dollies with capacity to hold 30 stacking chairs
  • 20 – 24x60” tables
  • 1 – 24x36” ADA table
  • 7 – 60x72” mobile magnetic, dry-erase whiteboards
  • 1 – technology podium
  • 1 – instructor stool
  • 1 – tabletop lectern
  • 1 – folding coat rack with 120 hooks

Tables, chairs, whiteboards, and the coat rack are all easily movable and/or removable as needed to accommodate Hub activities. With tables removed, the Collaborative Space has seating capacity for 96 people.

Available technology includes Wi-Fi, a projector and screen, a landline phone, speakers, lavalier microphones, assistive listening devices, and a 360-degree camera to facilitate hybrid (online and in-person) events. 

Building hours are 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Monday to Friday. The Hub may be used outside these times, but there may be an associated fee (see below). 

Pillsbury Hall and The Hub are ADA compliant and conveniently located with multiple public transportation routes and parking options nearby. More information about parking and transportation can be found on the campus map page for Pillsbury Hall.

Building amenities include a lactation room, meditation/prayer space, and gender-inclusive restrooms.

There is no fee for University of Minnesota users during normal building hours (7:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Monday to Friday). There may be a fee for users external to the University. The Hub seeks to be accessible and affordable to the community and has created a sliding fee scale based on type of user and/or organizational size. See the chart below for an overview of user fees. (Note: Annual revenues will be verified.)

User Type Fee Charged
University of Minnesota programs, departments, or registered student organizations $0 (no fee)

Community organizations that have previously collaborated with The Hub to create a program or event or that have received funding from The Hub

Community organizations that have completed a Hub Residency within the last two years

$0 (no fee)
Governmental (local, state, federal, tribal) or educational institutions (K-12, post-secondary)
Registered non-profit organizations or for-profit businesses with annual revenues less than $150,000
$0 (no fee)
Registered non-profit organizations or for-profit businesses with annual revenues between $150,000 and $250,000 $30 per hour (maximum of $180 per day)

Registered non-profit organizations or for-profit businesses with annual revenues between $250,000 and $1,000,000

(Note: If cost is a barrier, please contact liberalartshub@umn.edu to determine if fees can be waived or reduced.)

$50 per hour (maximum of $300 per day)
Registered non-profit organizations or for-profit businesses with annual revenues greater than $1,000,000 $100 per hour (maximum of $600 per day)

Additional After-Hours Facilities Fee

There may be a facilities fee of $282 per day for all who wish to use The Hub outside normal building hours. This fee remains the same regardless of the amount of after-hours use (for example, two hours or twelve hours). If this cost may prohibit your use of The Hub, please email liberalartshub@umn.edu.

The mission of the Liberal Arts Engagement Hub is to facilitate reciprocal and trusting partnerships between humanistic scholars in the arts, humanities, and social sciences and the community to respond to important social challenges.

We are guided by the work of Humanities for All, an initiative of the National Humanities Alliance Foundation, which identifies the following goals for publicly-engaged humanities:

  • Informing contemporary debates
  • Amplifying community voices and histories
  • Helping individuals and communities navigate difficult experiences
  • Expanding educational access
  • Preserving culture in times of crisis and change

Use requests that further The Hub's mission and one (or more) of these goals will be given preference over other requests. The Hub is not intended to be just another meeting space on campus, and events or activities within The Hub will ideally deepen the College’s culture of engagement or serve the interests of the community. Requests from both within and external to the University are welcome.


All users must remain in compliance with University guidelines, as found in the Using and Leasing University Real Estate Policy. Non-permissible uses include but are not limited to events where the primary purpose is the sale, solicitation, or promotion of goods or services.

Additional Policies of Note

Food provided must be prepared by a licensed commercial food service. Food permits may be required for events with more than 25 people in attendance. (Food Safety Policy)

Alcoholic beverages are permitted only through an authorized caterer and with advanced approval. (Alcoholic Beverages Sales and Service Policy)

Events or activities that primarily involve minors (persons under the age of 18) may require background checks and/or training in order to provide a safe environment. Additionally, all University employees, including student employees and volunteers, are mandatory reporters of abuse and neglect. (Safety of Minors Policy)

The use of smoke and tobacco products is prohibited on University property (indoors and outdoors). There are exceptions for tobacco use that is part of a  traditional American Indian spiritual or cultural ceremony. (Smoke and Tobacco-Free Campus Policy)

Possession of guns and other weapons is banned on University property. (Possession and Carrying of Weapons Policy)

If you are uncertain whether your intended use of The Hub meets these criteria and would like to discuss your event, please contact liberalartshub@umn.edu. Our vision and commitments may also provide further guidance.

Requests to use The Hub may be submitted through our online Hub Space Request Form. Please submit a separate request for each event or activity at least one month but not more than six months in advance. Requests made less than one month in advance will be received with the understanding that they may not be processed in time. If you would like to reserve The Hub more than six months in advance, please contact liberalartshub@umn.edu.

We review and respond to initial requests within five business days (Monday to Friday). If The Hub is available for the requested date and your intended use aligns with our criteria, we will email you a Hub Facility Use Agreement and work with you to have a successful event. If payment is required, we will provide information with exact costs, and you will receive an invoice after the event has taken place. Users external to the University of Minnesota may also be required to provide proof of liability insurance.

If your event is canceled, we must be notified at least five business days in advance (unless the reason for the cancellation is something beyond the organizers’ control, such as unexpected illness or extreme weather). Failure to provide timely cancellation updates will impact future consideration of Hub use requests.

Please contact liberalartshub@umn.edu with any questions.

Submit a Request