
Give Now 

For more information on ways to give, contact:

Peter Rozga
Office of Institutional Advancement
220 Johnston Hall
101 Pleasant St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone: 612-624-2848

For other giving options, visit
U of M Foundation.

You Make Us Great

Your tax-deductible contribution provides our students with encouragement and vital financial support. It gives our faculty resources for enlarging knowledge and understanding. It helps to build and sustain a distinguished reputation for the department.

What Your Gift Can Do

Your contribution allows us to ensure:

  • A distinguished faculty: creating endowed chairs and professorships and supporting interdisciplinary research centers and programs will help us recruit and retain outstanding faculty.
  • Timely public events and lectures: addressing up-to-the-minute issues and current scholarship.
  • A diverse and engaged undergraduate student body: although we are attracting better students than ever before, too many other outstanding students choose other institutions—often for financial reasons. Merit and need-based scholarships are needed to recruit many outstanding students.

Choose a Fund

There are a number of ways your gift can help support graduate and undergraduate students—the next generation of leaders and thinkers—in the Religious Studies Program:

  • Harold C. Anderson Fund
    This scholarship supports undergraduate students working toward a Religious Studies degree at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.
  • Roetzel Family Lecture in Religious Studies
    This fund supports an annual lecture facilitated by the Religious Studies program at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.
  • Religious Studies General Fund
    This fund supports events in the Religious Studies program, including alumni/undergraduate networking lunches, course-related field trips, orientation events for new and potential majors, and other student gatherings.