Follow RIGS on Facebook, Instagram, and now, Twitter!

RIGS expands social media efforts in 2020 to more broadly promote scholars and engage community.
Screenshot of RIGS Twitter page
The Race, Indigeneity, Gender & Sexuality Studies Initiative has grown its social media and community engagement efforts in 2020 to expand reach and engage conversations in the various domains in which RIGS work happens today.

RIGS is now on Twitter! 

You can check out our Twitter feed and follow us (@rigs_umn) HERE 



Follow us on Instagram  (@rigs_umn) HERE
Our Facebook page is still (@umnrigs) HERE 

Looking for RIGS content and resources on Student Activism, Abolition & Reparations, Health & Environmental Justice, Addressing Institutional Histories, Reading Lists and more to share on your social media?

Please visit our Racial Justice Resources
RIGS looks forward to continuing to grow our networks and collaborations with you. Email with questions or Tweet and Direct Message (DM) us on social media to share RIGS-related events and content. Stay tuned for future social media programming and a 2021 RIGS Twitter Symposium!
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