ACTFL Advanced-Level Exam
Language proficiency means the ability to communicate in a language. For this certificate program, advanced-level proficiency is determined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) guidelines. ACTFL rates language proficiency as novice, intermediate, advanced, and superior in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
If you have advanced-level proficiency in a second language, you do not necessarily have the same ability as a native speaker. However, you can use your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills sufficiently to satisfy the requirements of everyday situations and for routine school and work requirements. You can also generally understand and be understood by native speakers. See the ACTFL Level Descriptions for more information.
Passing the ACTFL exam with a rating of advanced-low or higher on all four sections is the final required step for this certificate. The reading and listening sections are computer graded, whereas the writing and speaking sections are graded by ACTFL staff. The test is offered through the Language Testing Program and is scheduled in Jones Hall computer classrooms.
Fall 2021: All testing will be remotely administered and proctored in-person (subject to change).
Registration: Costs & Schedules
The Language Testing program offers all four sections of the ACTFL exam on the same day. If you pass the Critical Reflection Essay, you will be instructed to register for the tests. You will be charged $208 for the tests through your student account. This is the cost charged by ACTFL for the four tests. No other costs associated with offering these tests at the University of Minnesota are passed on to students.
Times and locations will be announced closer to the test date.
If you do not pass all four sections of the test, you may retake any sections you did not pass the next time the test is offered. You will only need to retake the sections of the exam you did not pass, and will only be charged for those sections. Here are the prices for the individual sections:
- Reading: $31
- Listening $31
- Speaking: $73
- Writing: $73
Effective Fall 2021: Students will have two options for registering for the ACTFL Exam:
Option 1: Sponsored
If you are a current University of Minnesota degree-seeking student, you are eligible for one free attempt at three of the four tests: listening, reading, and speaking. You will be charged for the writing test through your student account, and this cost is $73.
You may choose to take all four tests on one day or divide the four tests into two days (three tests on one day; one test the other day).
Eligibility can be spread out over multiple semesters.
Option 2: Non-Sponsored
Non-degree students, graduated students, and students who are retaking tests for the second (or more) time will be charged for each test through their student account. Some restrictions may apply.
No Show & Cancellation Policy
If you miss your scheduled ACTFL exam because of an official excuse, you can take the test at the next scheduled test time. An official excuse includes documented illness or accident and government service (e.g., jury duty or military service). If you miss your ACTFL exam you must contact the Testing Program within 24 hours of your scheduled test and explain your situation. If you do not contact the Testing Program within 24 hours, a make-up test will not be possible. There are no refunds for the ACTFL exam.
Retake Policy
You may only take the ACTFL Exam once per semester. If you would like to retake a test, you may retake it in the next available semester.
If you are a degree-seeking student, you are allowed one (1) free retake on reading, listening, and speaking. In order to be eligible for this, you must retake the test(s) within one year of the first attempt*. Only currently registered students are eligible to have the cost of these tests covered by the Language Center. You are still responsible for the cost of the writing test. You may only retake the test(s) that you need. All subsequent test attempts must be paid for by the student.
*In the case of students who took a test as part of a class, this does not count as an attempt.
If you are a non-degree or graduated student, you are responsible for the cost of each retake test(s).
Pre-Exam Registration Checklist
- I have completed the previous five required steps
- I have completed all or some of the additional recommended experiences
I have taken the 4 self-assessments, answered questions thoughtfully and carefully, and the results indicate that I may have achieved advanced-level proficiency.
If you have questions about your readiness for the exam, please contact Spanish Advising ([email protected]) or the Language Testing Program.