News & Events News & Events Catch up with our latest news, upcoming events, and faculty and student accomplishments. On This Page: Recent News Outstanding Achievement Award: John S. Wright Distinguished scholar and trailblazing agent of change John Wright (MA ‘71, English; PhD ‘77) has been named a recipient of the University's Outstanding Achievement Award. UMN celebrates its third annual Juneteenth block party Professor Rose Brewer, who spoke at the block party to provide broader historical context for the holiday, is quoted in this MN Daily story. Saena Dozier Awarded Microgrant for Somali ‘Togetherness’ Project Empowering Wadajiraka (Togetherness): TandemPlus Togetherness Campaign with the Somali Community. RIDGS Statement on Student Protest - April 2024 Statement from RIDGS Celebrate Earth Day With These Environmental Courses from CLA Learn about nine exciting courses that consider environmental topics from across the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
Outstanding Achievement Award: John S. Wright Distinguished scholar and trailblazing agent of change John Wright (MA ‘71, English; PhD ‘77) has been named a recipient of the University's Outstanding Achievement Award.
UMN celebrates its third annual Juneteenth block party Professor Rose Brewer, who spoke at the block party to provide broader historical context for the holiday, is quoted in this MN Daily story.
Saena Dozier Awarded Microgrant for Somali ‘Togetherness’ Project Empowering Wadajiraka (Togetherness): TandemPlus Togetherness Campaign with the Somali Community.
Celebrate Earth Day With These Environmental Courses from CLA Learn about nine exciting courses that consider environmental topics from across the arts, humanities, and social sciences.