Statement on the Unfortunate Death of George Floyd
Once again in Minneapolis, we witness, yet again, the senseless brutality and murder of an innocent black man, George Floyd, in the hands of Minneapolis police officers. Yes, you are innocent until proven guilty. Thus, you must be accorded your inalienable rights, human rights, and dignity, what law enforcement swears to uphold. We witnessed the execution of Philando Castille on July 6, 2016, and the brutal murder of Jamal Clark by a police officer on November 15, 2015.
We live in a society in which African Americans are referred to as the "other" and criminalized in the most dehumanizing ways, just because they are black, when did this become a crime in America? Police officers have destroyed black lives without consequences; black people are victimized and brutalized daily by police without any sense of remorse or accountability. We thought law enforcement is intended to protect us, not kill us wantonly?
The blood of innocent black men slain in the hands of Minneapolis police officers continues to cry out for justice. Perhaps, one day in this lifetime, we will genuinely experience justice in Minneapolis and America.
We in the Department of African American & African Studies will continue to be committed to justice, equality, the fight for human dignity, and denouncing racism in all shapes and forms. Our thoughts go out to the family and friends of George Floyd and all those who are in deep anguish today.