Camille Braun
Spanish & Portuguese Studies
214 Folwell Hall
9 Pleasant St SE
Collegiate Affiliation
My research sits at the intersection of Spanish Cultural Studies and Health Humanities. It revolves around societal (mis)understandings of drug use and problematic drug use. My dissertation explores the ways that contemporary Spanish cultural production creates spaces to imagine community-centered, empowering, and sustainable paradigms of care, often beyond the boundaries of conventional medicine and standardized treatment approaches to problematic drug use.
Educational Background & Specialties
Educational Background
- M.A: Hispanic Literatures and Cultures, University of Minnesota, 2019 -
- B.A.: Spanish (French/Cross-Cultural Studies Minors), Carleton College, 2016 -
- Contemporary Spanish cultural production
- Health Humanities
- Societal (mis)understandings of drug use