Christopher Terry received his Ph.D. from UW-Madison in 2012. He spent 15 years as a producer in commercial radio, and his research agenda includes regulatory and legal analysis of media ownership, internet policy and political advertising.

Terry served for six years as a lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee before becoming joining University of Minnesota’s Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication in the Fall of 2016. His research has earned top paper awards from the Communication and Law Division of the National Communication Association (NCA) and the Law and Policy Division of the International Communication Association (ICA). Terryhas received financial support from both the Industry Research Forum of AEJMC and the Center for Information Policy Research and served as a Thrust Four Research Fellow for the Center for Quantum Networks.

He has done over a hundred media interviews about media law and policy.

Educational Background & Specialties
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Educational Background

  • Ph.D.: Mass Communication / Law, University of Wisconsin, 2012
  • M.A.: Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2005
  • B.A.: Radio-Tv-Film, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, 1999


  • Administrative Law, including Media Ownership and Advertising Regulation
  • Political Advertising
  • Copyright, free expression, fair use, creativity, open access, scholarship, remix, publishing, distribution, creator rights
  • Digital Media Law
  • Broadband Policy
  • Social Media