(1983) Multivariate statistics: A vector space approach. Published by Wiley, 512 pages./ Now published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics as volume 33 in the Lecture Notes and Monograph Series (2007).
(1987) Lectures on topics in probability inequalities. Published by Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica,197 pages.
(1989) Group invariance applications in statistics. Published by Institute of Mathematical Statistics and American Statistical Association. 133 pages
(1977) (with M. Perelman) Reflection groups, generalized Schur functions and the geometry of majorization. Annals of Probability, 5, 829-860.
(1996) A statistical diptych: Improper priors and admissible inferences - Recurrence of symmetric Markov chains. A special invited paper in Annals of Statistics, 20, 1147-1179.
(2001) Markov chain conditions for admissibility in estimation problems with quadratic loss. In a festschrift for Willem van Zwet edited by M. de Gunst, C. Klaassen, and A. van der Vaart. In Volume 36 of IMS Lecture Note Series, 223-243. Beachwood , Ohio.
(2021)) ( with E George). Charles Stein and invariance: Beginning with the Hunt- Stein theorem . Annals of Statistics, Vol40 ,#4, 1815-1822.
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Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (1971)
Fellow, American Statistical Association (1971)
Member, International Statistical Institute (1980)
President, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (1999-2000)