Collegiate Affiliation

Ioana Pribiag works on 19th and 20th century French and Francophone Studies. She is particularly interested in thought on the relationships between politics and aesthetics, and the developing dialogue between French and postcolonial theory. She has published work on Caribbean, Québécois and Indigenous authors and filmmakers. Her monograph, Shards: Fragmentation in Francophone Postcolonial Literature, examines the specificities of thematic and formal fragmentation in postcolonial contexts through the works of Nina Bouraoui, Jean-Luc Raharimanana, Kim Thúy, and Naomi Fontaine. 

Educational Background & Specialties
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Educational Background

  • Ph.D. and M.A.: Romance Studies, Cornell University, 2014; 2010
  • B.A: French and Biological Sciences (Neurobiology and Behavior), Cornell University, 2006


  • Francophone literature and film
  • Postcolonial Studies
  • Politics and Aesthetics
  • Gender and Sexuality