John Logie
Writing Studies
206 Nolte Center
315 Pillsbury Dr SE
Collegiate Affiliation
John Logie is best known for "Peers, Pirates, and Persuasion," a book on the role of rhetoric in the debates over peer-to-peer technologies (e.g. Napster, Grokster). He writes on the Internet, visual rhetoric, remix cultures, copyright, and the conflicts that arise with changes in communicative technologies. His next project is titled "Writing in the Cloud" and examines the material and conceptual shifts we are experiencing as writing moves farther and farther away from the composer.
Educational Background & Specialties
Educational Background
- Ph.D.: English, Penn State, 1999
- M.A.: English Language and Literature, University of Illinois - Chicago, 1993
- Peer-to-peer technologies
- Authorship
- Rhetorical Theory
- Internet Studies
- Copyright
- Rhetorical Invention
- Visual rhetoric