Affiliate Faculty: Alexander Technique
Brian McCullough teaches Alexander Technique classes in the School of Music. He is known throughout Minnesota for teaching individual lessons and group classes to a wide variety of performing artists ranging from amateurs to professionals. In 2014 he began an Alexander Technique teacher certification program at the Minnesota Center for the Alexander Technique.
In 1995, Brian completed a Certification to Teach the Alexander Technique approved by the American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT), which maintains the highest of standards.The training included daily study for three years (1600 hours) with renown Alexander pedagogues from England, Joan and Alex Murray.
Brian holds a bachelors degree from the Western Michigan University School of Music. He freelances locally as a trombonist and for several seasons played with the Rochester (Minnesota) Symphony.
The Alexander Technique is a learned skill for anyone wishing to perform any task or art form with greater ease, technical control, and performance quality.