S. Douglas Olson
216 Pillsbury Dr SE
I am interested in Greek literature of all genres and periods, but in particular in Attic Comedy and its reception in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. My current projects include a commentary on the fragments of the comic poet Antiphanes, a full critical edition of the Learned Banqueters (or Deipnosophists) of Athenaeus of Naucratis (much of which is already in press), and a complete new text and translation of Eustathius' Commentary on the Odyssey. I am associated with the Heidelberg Academy/University of Freiburg Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie Project, and have recently completed a three-volume edition of the fragments of the late 5th-century comic poet Eupolis, a volume of fragments of the slightly earlier comic poet Cratinus, and a full critical edition and commentary on Aristophanes' Wasps (with Zachary Biles). I am also the General Editor of the English-language edition of the Basel Homer Commentary.
Educational Background
- : , American School of Classical Studies in Athens, 1985-87 -
- Ph.D.: , Bryn Mawr College, 1987 -
- M.A.: , Bryn Mawr College, 1984 -
- M.T.S.: , Harvard Divinity School, 1982 -
- B.A.: , Haverford College, 1980 -
- Greek comedy
- Critical editions and commentaries
- Roman reception of Greek texts
- Ancient literary scholarship