Professional Development Services

Career and Counseling Services

CLA Career Services

If you are an alumna/us who graduated no more than 12 months ago, you can still use CLA Career Services’ resources. If you graduated more than a year ago, CLA Career Services has some online guides that you may find helpful:

Career Counseling Assessment Clinic

The Career Counseling and Assessment Clinic provides a package of five to six 50-minute career counseling sessions, focusing on assessment of work interests, personality characteristics, work values, and abilities. (Discount for UMAA members)


Handshake is the University of Minnesota's online database to help connect alumni and current students with employers, volunteer organizations, and internships across the country.

Continuing Education

Gold Mind

The University of Minnesota Alumni Association offers you free access to University and expert talks on a variety of topics to expand your knowledge, improve your life, and advance your career. Become a life-long learner and tap into a growing list of content that can be filtered based on interest and curated from around the University. 

College of Continuing & Professional Studies

The College of Continuing & Professional Studies (CCAPS)--formerly the College of Continuing Education--offers professional conferences in various fields as well as professional development courses and workshops in:

  • Agile
  • Business Process
  • Career Development
  • HR & Talent Development
  • Leadership Skills
  • Project Management
  • Public Works
  • Technology
  • Writing & Communications

University of Minnesota Online

You can complete professional development courses, certificate programs, and even some undergraduate and graduate degrees online through University of Minnesota Online.