Puffer Scholarship for Undergraduate Study Abroad

Deadline April 15, 2022 
Photo of Wold-Chamberlain airport

The Patricia and Kenneth Puffer Scholarship provides funds to undergraduate Art History majors of high academic standing, in order to encourage and support their intellectual, cultural, and personal growth through foreign travel.

Interested and eligible students are asked to apply by April 15, 2022. Notifications of scholarships will be made by May 1. Award recipients may apply their scholarship funds to any UMN approved Learning Abroad program, to be completed within fifteen months of notification of award (i.e., before Sept 1, 2023). This may be used as a planning scholarship, allowing students to know in advance if they have secured scholarship funding before finalizing their Learning Abroad plans.

For more information about tailoring Learning Abroad experiences to an Art History major see:


Please direct inquiries to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Laura Kalba ([email protected]).

How To Apply

Fill out this Google Form to apply for a Puffer Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be a degree-seeking undergraduate (UMTC), with a declared Art History major, and a minimum GPA of 3.0.

  • Applicants may apply for funds before confirming their participation in a Learning Abroad program.

  • Students may apply up to a year in advance of their Learning Abroad experience; there is one deadline per year (April 15); travel must be completed before September 1 of the following calendar year.


  • Award amounts vary; in some years multiple awards will be given.

  • Award recipients must use funds to participate in a credit-bearing program approved by the University of Minnesota and must enroll in at least one course in art history or related field. A searchable database of approved programs is available here. A specific list of approved programs with special relevance to Art History majors is available here. Note: UMN has a process whereby non-approved programs may be approved and there are non-credit-bearing programs (e.g., internship programs) that may satisfy the terms of the Puffer Award. Please consult with the Art History DUS with questions.

If possible, the department will designate alternates for the award, should a recipient be unable to use the funds within the given year.

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